Binding the Devil
Product Impact
BINDING THE DEVIL: Satanism and Witchcraft Reflected in 20th Century Tomes is a follow-up title to SPELL BOUND, and takes a closer examination of the obsession with Satanism and celebrity witches in the mass market publishing industry of the 1970s and 1980s.
Culled from a personal library, the lurid and often OTT design of these paperbacks was fired by an explosion of interest in the occult at the time and clearly marketed at the average shopper as much as, if not more, than regular bookshop browsers.
BINDING THE DEVIL: Satanism and Witchcraft Reflected in 20th Century Tomes and Spell Bound are published by Bibliomancers, a Los Angeles-based small press formed in 2023 by occult collage, and new media artists Astraleyes and Speedgallery 666.
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