C Mag
Product Impact
C Mag is a contemporary art and criticism journal from Canada that functions as a forum for thought and opinion around contemporary art.
Each issue is singularly engaged on an idea explored through original art writing, criticism, and artist projects. Content focuses on practitioners in Canada and Canadian practitioners living abroad with an emphasis on people from Black, Indigenous, diasporic and other equity-deserving communities, as well as on international practices and dialogues.
About Issue 157, 'Kink' from the publisher:
Kink gives us an opportunity to question the limits of convention as they meet with hierarchical systems. Taking kink as a shapeshifter—a conscious negotiation of desire and relations based on principles like consent—this issue embraces queerness, disobedience, disruption, and complex embodiment. Through artistic explorations of BDSM, impact play, subspace, fan fiction, eroticized debt, Indigenous-settler relations, and more, contributors dive into the fleshy and political consequences of desire as sites to reinvent our bonds to one another.
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