Synthesis Curated For Youssouf Fofana
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Synthesis Curated For Youssouf Fofana is a special issue of the magazine guest-edited by the French-Senegalese designer and founder of Maison Château Rouge and the Union de la jeunesse internationale.
Launched in unison with Jordan Brand’s Summer of Basketball Culture, the issue serves as an exploration of the African diaspora – in particular creatives connected to Senegal and West Africa – in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, with a look at how sport and shared culture can create community.
The 112 page issue explores the ideas around a synthesis of French identity where the children of immigrants have created their own lines of creative expression that call on their blended heritage of two homes, in Paris and from the continent.
The cover references the plastic striped bags many families in the African (and global) diaspora communities use to carry goods from the market, with illustrated ‘travel stickers’ on the back cover. Accompanied by a map-poster insert of the 18th arrondissement, places that make the neighbourhood what it is, Youssouf Fofana invites the reader to explore an often overlooked neighbourhood to experience both his and the new city of Paris.
Contributors include Alassan Diawara, Alexandre Zongo, Amy Sall, Annie Vallet, Axel Aurejac, Diadié Diombana, Djamal Saka, Eva Diallo, Glory Kabe, Harlem Lamine, Haroun, Ilyes Griyeb, Inès di Folco Jemni, Khalilou Fadiga, Laye Mar, Loick Mfoundou, Lou Assous, Marianne Costade, Maty Biayenda, Maya-Inès Touam, Mory Sacko, Moya Diomande, Mustapha, Belhocine, Ramata-Toulaye Sy, Wu Yué, Xulybët, Yanma Fofana and more.
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