Trust Me, I'm a Doctor: A Visual Catalog of Generic Dr Pepper-Style Soft Drink Logos, 1995-2020
Product Impact
Nearly every US supermarket chain has its own in-house Dr Pepper alternative. Almost always in maroon packaging with a doctor-themed product name, these generic brands have names and logos that indicate pep, vim, vigour and gustatory fulfilment of one kind or another, suggesting Dr Pepper’s logo but never quite imitating it. Trust Me, I'm a Doctor collects more than fifty of these logos from the past thirty years, from Dr. A+ to Dr. Zing.
The zine is both a collection of bargain basement corporate design in North America that pushes potential trademark violation to its limits, as well as an homage to the early 2000s-era internet, when websites devoted to collecting and taste-testing Dr Pepper knockoffs were widespread.
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